8 Tips For Your Print Marketing Strategy 

It’s time to dig out your autumn layers, jump back into school runs and open your Print Marketing Strategy . . . September is here! Like many other business owners, here at Q Print we view September as a chance to set new intentions or goals and review our old ones. For us this doesn’t just involve reflecting on our marketing strategy but our print marketing strategy, too. 

That’s right, a strategy for print all on its own! We may be biased but print is pretty key to a business’s success so a strategy to ensure you make the most of this versatile tool is a no brainer. It means you know exactly how you will use it to bring in new clients and build brand recognition . . . .and provides something to reflect back on towards the end of the year. 

For those who are yet to delve into the world of a print marketing strategy, here’s our 8 top tips for building yours:

1. Know your Target Audience

Just like you should know your target audience for content, social media and email marketing, you should also understand them inside and out for your printing. By understanding what your audience wants and needs, you can develop a clear message on how your services can help achieve those goals within your print designs. 

2. Use print to compliment digital

Print and digital marketing complement each other, so using them side by side will notably increase the reach of your marketing efforts. When it comes to writing your print marketing strategy, a great way to integrate the two mediums is by using print designs across social media pages and website and including social media icons and handles on your print marketing materials. Of course, keeping the branding and language consistent across all content is key for building brand awareness. 

3. Track your results

Whilst there are no ready-made analytics, there are still simple ways to track the impact of your print campaigns. Landing pages, discount codes, coupons or simply asking your customer service representatives to track where the customer heard about your service, all allow you to collect valuable data on how far and wide your campaign is reaching . . and any elements you need to change!

4. Take stock of your stock

As with anything in business, planning ahead is key when putting together a print strategy, especially at the moment when we are experiencing longer than usual turnaround times. When pulling your print strategy together, spend some time analysing what you need to take you up to the end of the year . . . and maybe even the beginning of 2023. Trust me, you will thank yourself later for taking stock of your stock! 

5. Determine your costs

Calculating a realistic budget is essential when writing a print marketing strategy. Keeping track of your inventory and plotting out your next batch of events, will mean you can order in bulk and avoid any last-minute orders which could go out of budget. 

6. Direct your marketing

Come in high quality, unique and tangible direct mail pieces! A well-designed leaflet, brochure or promotional item posted through your target audiences letter boxes is a memorable way of building brand recognition. When planning your print marketing strategy it should get a mention, especially if you are a local business like an estate agent, gardener or trades person. 

7. Cover the whole marketing mix

Your print marketing strategy should cover the whole marketing mix including any exhibition displays and external signage. Both just as important as the smaller print items, by incorporating them into your strategy you can ensure they are not a last-minute add-on but a well thought out and brand consistent marketing asset. 

8. Do what you do best, then outsource the rest!

We love this quote in Q Print! It’s something we practise in our own business so we can free up time for doing what we do best which is printing, of course. Whether it’s yourself, one of your team or you outsource your printing through a print management service, factoring into your strategy who is going to take charge of printing, means everything will be actioned on time, on budget and avoid any confusion.  

In summary

As we head into the final quarter of the year, now is a great time to review your current print marketing strategy or even pull one together to complement your overall marketing strategy. Of course, if you would like help putting your strategy into action, do get in touch to book a free discovery call!   

Raina Joyce

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